Cancel an Order

There are certain times when you want to cancel an order in ePayTrak. The most common use is to update your inventory after a refund to ensure that Class Enrollment Reports and inventory numbers are correct. The Refund Status setup of ePayTrak enables you to restock your inventory automatically after you cancel an order. This is most important when you are trying to maintain accurate inventory levels for your products or classes. If it is a partial refund or if there are other items in the order, you do not want to cancel the order but should remove the item in Edit Order Items. To maintain correct inventory levels, you no longer have the ability to remove all items from an order and cancel it, too.

NOTE: Cancelling an order does NOT refund the payment, you must process a refund.

You can access the Order Manager from the Menu drop-down. Manage > Orders. You can also access the Order Manager for a specific user by going to People > Users from the Menu drop-down. In the example below, we will start your cancellation from the Order Manager. Click Details or the Order Number and that will bring you to the Summary window for that Order.



I clicked on Order #258 to open it to the Summary page as shown below. Note the order has already been refunded and it displays in the Payment section as shown below.

Order Manager

The menu items at the left are the pages that you can access within the Order Manager. Looking from Top left to bottom, the choices are described as follows:

  • Summary - Summarizes and displays the contents of the Order, Balance and Payments.  

  • Payments - The page where you would process a refund or add a payment.

  • Shipments - This area is where you print a packing slip and to ship items from your store.

  • History and Notes - The history of the transaction is available here.

  • Digital Goods - If there were a digital good for your product, you would see it here. A downloadable field trip request form for example.

  • Gift Certificates - If there were a gift certificate redeemed for the order, you would see the information here.

  • Edit Addresses - You can edit an address including a shipping address here.

  • Edit Order Items - You can add or remove order items after the transaction is processed in this window.

  • Customer Profile - You can quickly access the customer's information from this window.

To Cancel an Order:  

NOTE: This order has previously been refunded.

  1. Be sure you are in the Summary Window.

  2. Click the down-arrow in the Tasks window and choose Cancel Order as shown below.

  3. Select Cancel Order and then click the Blue arrow (Go Icon) next to the Drop-down.

  1. After clicking the Blue arrow button, you will see the following screen.


  1. Enter a comment in the text box above. (optional) If you click Make comment private, then only admin users will see your comments and an e-mail confirmation will not be sent to the customer. Then click the Cancel Order button to complete the process.

  2. After you click the Cancel Order button, you will see the following screen: The top blue horizontal bar now shows that Order #258 was cancelled.


You should NOT cancel an order if there was more than one item purchased and you aren't refunding the entire order. Then you will want to utilize the functionality in Edit Order items to remove that item. A recent update prevents cancelling an order with Items already dropped.