Deposits by Tender Type by Period Summary

You can access the Deposits by Tender Type by Period Summary Report from the Menu drop-down Reports > Finance Reports > Deposits by Tender Type by Period Summary. Below is the first screen you see when you click on Deposits by Date by Tender Type by Period Summary. This report gives you a Summary View of all deposits to date for a specific date range on your ePayTrak store. The Deposits by Date by Tender Type report doesn't give you a summary of the entire date range you select.  It shows a daily breakdown of the sales. This report will give you the breakdown for an entire date range.   

Deposits by Tender Type by Period Summary Report

The Deposits by Tender Type by Period Summary Report displays the deposit by date as a total deposit for the date range selected. Because it's a summary the report doesn't display each order individually.  



NOTE: The Deposits by Date by Tender Type by Period Summary is designed to display totals for each payment type on a separate line for the date range selected. This includes Shipping, Coupons, Service Fees and Taxes. Refunds will appear on the Refund Date.