E-mail Reminders

We have created three new e-mail receipt triggers that are used in conjunction with sending customers e-mail reminders. They work with the Class Start Date field in the product's Class Information Section, so you must enter a Class Start date to utilize the e-mail reminder functionality. These are completely optional and in some cases not appropriate. Please contact ePayTrak support before utilizing this feature!

Event Reminder One - You need to enter the amount of days prior to class/event date (All products must have the Class Start Date checked.) In the Reminder One field enter the amount of days before event date to send the e-mail reminder to the customer. Contact ePayTrak personnel prior to using these automated reminders so we can customize your e-mail templates.

Event Reminder Two - You need to enter the amount of days prior to class/event date in this Reminder Two field if you wish to send Reminder Two.

Event Reminder Three - You need to enter the amount of days prior to class/event date in this Reminder Three field you wish to send Reminder Three.  Contact ePayTrak personnel prior to using these automated reminders so we can customize your e-mail templates.


In the General Settings section on the Configure > Store page, you will see the fields for the Event Reminder. Enter the number of days before event date in the corresponding boxes. In this case, I entered the amount of 10 days in the Event Reminder One field. Event Reminder One is the first reminder sent.  

You can use one, two or all three reminders. In the example above, five days before the event date, Event Reminder Two e-mail will be sent.

The day before the event, Event Reminder Three will be sent. You must have the e-mail template triggers configured correctly for this to work.


E-Mail Templates:

You will find e-mail templates under Configure > E-Mail Templates.

If you have any questions don't edit these templates. If not done correctly, changes could cause receipts to stop working!  

Click the Blue edit button on the last choice on the list, Class Registration Reminder 3. If you don't see a Class Registration Reminder on the list on your ePayTrak site, please contact Technical Support at ePayTrak.   

You will see a screen similar to the one below.

All you need to do is edit the message and click the Event Reminder Three trigger and uncheck None. That will activate the e-mail reminder to be sent as long as the settings on the Configure > Store page are correct.
You could use the same template for all three reminders if you prefer. Save any changes on this page.