General & Other Settings

There are various configurations on your Configure > Store page in the General Section at the left. We have added drop-down sections for better organization.

To Configure your General Settings:

There are various settings that will be adjusted by ePayTrak personnel prior to your site going live. Below is an explanation of all the items listed in this General Section Settings.


The Store Name, Store URL and SSL enabled are configured prior to your site going live by ePayTrak personnel.


  1. Require Valid ID for Account Creation.  You would not generally use this feature, but enabling this feature would require your customer to enter a Valid ID in order to create a new user account.

  2. Combine Like Items in Cart.  This feature can be applied globally in this area, or by Product in the Product Description area. By default, ePayTrak will allow you to gather information about multiple students as participants if you select more than one for a quantity. This feature would turn 'off' that default if you don't need to collect separate information for all students or participants.

  3. Show all Student Payments.  If your school is utilizing the Fee Management System, this box must be checked to see all student payments.

  4. Parents Can View Forms.  If you check this box, parents can view completed forms that might be required before registration such as an Athletic form or an Emergency Contact Form.

  5. Parents Can Edit Forms. You must have the Parents Can View Forms checked with the Parents Can Edit Forms if you want the parents to view and edit any completed required forms.

  6. Require Dynamic Form: - This setting allows you to choose a Custom Form that must be completed before a parent/customer can place an order globally.

  7. Print Dynamic Form on Enrollment Reports - This option allows you to print completed Custom Forms for an entire Sku.

  8. Add to Cart Popup - This global setting enables you to display a popup cart in the middle of the screen after a customer adds an item to their cart. This display option is helpful if you have products with very long descriptions or perhaps are using the Fundraiser option and although I added the Face Mask to my cart, it's not easily noticed where that cart is as seen below.

  1. Student Fees EMail - The Student Fee Email functionality has been improved with e-mail student invoices in the eMail Queue.

  1. Print Tickets - This is used for ticket functionality. If you wish to scan tickets at the door for a student play for example, you would choose either a QR Code which is scannable using an Android device or Bar Code which is scannable using a bar code scanner which is recommended.

  2. Cart Ticket Timer - If you have selected ePayTrak for ticket event sales, you can assign a time limit here. Numbers are in minutes, I would recommend 7 minutes. Some ticket purchasers didn't think five minutes was enough time.

  3. Ticket Color - This box is control the color of your .pdf ticket attachments. Colors are html color codes. Do not place the pound or hash mark # in the color box.

  4. Google Maps API Key - This setting is entered by ePayTrak personnel prior to your site going live. This will enable a google map to appear your ticket event location.

  5. Check Text - Any text entered in this field, will appear in the customized eCheck window if your site is accepting eChecks as payment. Check with ePayTrak support before utilizing this option. Thank you.

The next three options require you to have the Class Start Date checked in the product's Class Information Section.

  1. Event Reminder One - You need to enter the amount of days prior to class date (All products must have the Class Start Date checked.) in this Reminder One field you wish to send the reminder as an e-mail to the customer. This new automated e-mail event ticket reminder field will generate a selected e-mail template. Contact ePayTrak personnel prior to using these automated reminders so we can customize your e-mail templates.

  1. Event Reminder Two - You need to enter the amount of days prior to class date in this Reminder Two field you wish to send the reminder. This new automated e-mail event ticket reminder field will generate a selected e-mail template for your reminder. Contact ePayTrak personnel prior to using these automated reminders so we can customize your e-mail templates.

  2. Event Reminder Three - You need to enter the amount of days prior to class date in this Reminder Two field you wish to send the reminder. This new automated e-mail event ticket reminder field will generate a selected e-mail template. Contact ePayTrak personnel prior to using these automated reminders so we can customize your e-mail templates.

  3. Surcharge Warning - This box should be checked if you are adding Surcharge Fees to your transactions. It will give the customer an advance warning they will incur a surcharge when paying for the transaction. The surcharge fee is clearly labelled and will appear to the customer.

  4. Enable Fee Page - For parents to pay their assigned student fees, this box must be checked!

Participant Fields

Is covered in the Participant Fields section.

Invoice Fields

Invoice Payment 1-8.  With Smartschool integration and Student Fees improvements it is now much easier to e-mailing invoices for Student Fees within ePayTrak. It is no longer necessary to input data into these fields.

mPOS Address

The mPOS Address section is the address that ePayTrak uses for a Mobile Point of Sale receipt. If you don't want to utilize the Will Call capability for your ticket events, click to check Hide Will Call on Checkout.

Class Calendar on Checkout

Show Calendar on Checkout - This new functionality will give parents a warning message if they schedule a student to conflicting class times. Your settings choices are Never, which is the default, On Conflict or Always. The On Conflict setting will give parents a message on a calendar showing where the conflict is.  

Resolve Schedule Conflicts - You have the option of giving the parents a warning when a child is enrolled in two classes simultaneously, or you can even prevent them from Checking Out with that Conflict.

Tax and Shipping Accounting Settings

Tax & Shipping Accounting.  In the four drop-downs above, you can assign a default department or accounting code for Taxes and Shipping. You can customize this to any existing department or accounting code.

Registration Fields

Registration Fields - These fields can be utilized for ePayTrak account creation. They will appear on the Login page if utilized. These are required fields by default. The data of these fields will display in the user account settings. This functionality was designed for collecting data in a non-school setting and is rarely necessary.


Relationships - This section as shown above is at the bottom left of the Configure > Store page. You can create these relationships for the participants/students to collect additional participant information during the checkout process. Add a relationship in the text box and click the 'Add' button to add a new relationship.

Smart School Integration Settings

Smart School Integration Settings -  The settings here are for schools who are using ePayTrak with fully integrated Student Information Software packages. These settings will be configured for you by ePayTrak personnel prior to your site going live.

PowerSchool Integration Settings

Enable Powerschool Integration - If your school is going to use PowerSchool settings, just click in the Enable box and Save your changes.

Enter the URL with a Slash after the path.


ePOS Users - This is a new section at the top right of the page for creating ePOS users that will process transactions via ePOS. I've listed some instructions on a separate page.


Local Settings - This setting will be configured prior to your site going live.


Terms of Use - You can add a message that all new users must agree to before entering the ePayTrak site.

In the sample above, I've entered No refunds on Summer 2021 Summer Camps! The user must click to Accept before entering the site for the first time.


Catalog Mode - This setting is especially important when you are creating your catalog before the site goes live. By checking on Enable Catalog Mode, that prevents an Add to Cart button from appearing so nobody can make a purchase.

This prevents customers from thinking they are purchasing actual items while the site has test 'sandbox' gateway credentials and no actual money is being exchanged. Otherwise, that checkbox should always be left unchecked!

Accounting Codes - Department Codes  -  An overview for configuring your Accounting Codes and Department Codes in ePayTrak.

Checkout Banks - This section is for sites that have multiple banks or are utilizing Transit or Vericheck banks. These settings are available to ePayTrak personnel only and will be configured prior to your site going live. Any changes will be made by ePayTrak personnel also. These images are for reference.

This works in conjunction with the Gateway settings that are on Configure>Payments>Gateways. The Gateway settings will dictate what banks are available for use.


Validation Buckets -Validation Buckets are used to limit the availability for customers to register for a class for which they are ineligible like by grade or school. There is more information on Validation Buckets in a separate section.

Fees - Some schools want to pass along processing fees to the customer by adding a fee to transactions for specific departments. These fees are optional and are not related to fees that are generated in Smartschool or Ticket fees that are assigned at the product level. More information on this page. These fees do not go to a separate bank like EduTrak Surcharges.

EduTrak Surcharges - EduTrak Surcharges are an improvement over Fees. Surcharges go directly to the bank of choice. Checks and Credit Cards have different fee structures. These will be configured by ePayTrak personnel prior to your site going live. The example below is from a demo site with Check surcharges already added.

This includes all the new settings available on the Configure>Store page in ePayTrak.