Manage Digital Goods

When you create your Product in ePayTrak, you have the option of adding a digital good to that product. An example of a digital good you might want to attach, is a permission form for a field trip, or joining a school athletic team. Go to Catalog > Digital Goods > Manage Digital Goods. You must first upload the digital good as shown below before you can add a digital good to the product.

  1. Upload your Digital Good by clicking the Browse button. Navigate to that file on your computer. Click Open and the path will appear in the Upload box. The Name and File Name will appear automatically.  Click the 'Add and Edit' button. In the example above, I'm adding an updated 2009-2010 Athletic eligibility form.

  2. This is the Edit screen you will see next.  


  1. You will want to adjust the Activation Mode. In this case, I selected Activate on Full Payment. So when a purchase is made, your customer can download the form. You can create a product with a $0 price if you want the form to be downloaded without a charge. Or create a link to the form elsewhere on your ePayTrak site.
  1. You can add a License Agreement or Serial Key if you wish but this will likely not be applicable to your store.  That applies if you are selling downloadable software for example.

  2. The fulfillment is set to Manual. That is probably the best method, that way your customer has control of their download.

  3. When finished, click Finish.  

  4. Then navigate to Catalog > Browse to open the product you wish to attach the digital good.